While conducting research on Adrenal Fatigue, we ran across lots of studies documenting the effects of stress on the body. There were so many new studies that we had a hard time trying to choose one to blog on. So rather than try to narrow our options, we thought that we would share some of […]
The Neurologic Link between Stress, Diabetes and Obesity
Many of us know of people who under pressure resort to “stress eating.” Chocolate, French fries, and potato chips have all been implicated in stress overeating and while I’m sure that most junk foods have also been used for such purposes, I doubt the same could be said for foods like broccoli or blueberries. The […]
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Quiz
Do you know the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? Do your patients report any of the following: Tired for no reason? Trouble getting up in the morning? Need coffee or colas to keep going? Feel run down and stressed? Crave salty or sweet snacks? Struggling to keep up with life’s daily demands? Can’t bounce back from […]
Pain, Brain, and Depression: It isn’t all in your head…or in your body
Have you ever had an ache that’s barely noticeable, until you start to think about it? Then the ache intensified and suddenly, the pain seems unbearable. New studies have found that while pain isn’t “just all in your head,” the brain does have ways of influencing our perception of pain. In a new paper out […]
6 Facts about Chronic Pain
Here are some important things you may not know about chronic pain: According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, people who have fibromyalgia are 3.4 times more likely to develop major depression than individuals without fibromyalgia. Most people with fibromyalgia are women (Female: Male ratio 7:1). However, men and children […]