Have you ever had pain that you couldn’t explain? As I’m getting (slightly) older, I have more random pain that just seems to appear on its own. And while I do expect some unexplained aches and pains, many people have pain that isn’t related to the aging process – yet their doctors are unable to […]
From Genetics to Environmental Toxins: Searching for the Causes of Autism
Autism – just the word causes panic in parents everywhere. When I was growing up, polio had a similar effect. But the vaccine for polio has been found, while work on the prevention and treatment of autism is still continuing feverously. To the horror of families with an autistic child, the scientific community can offer […]
How Qigong and Mind Body Therapy are Being Used to Treat Burnout
What do you think of when you hear the term “burnt out?” These days, everyone seems to be stressed. The strains of balancing work, relationships, family and recreation can be overwhelming and exhausting. But burnout is different – suffering from long-term fatigue, stress, and disinterest is life altering. In May, a new study was published […]
Stress, Obesity and Our Children: What Mind-Body Research Says
Our lifestyle choices can create direct routes to conditions like inflammation. Even more recently, information linking psychoneuroimmunology and depression with stress and obesity has surfaced.
PTSD Risk for Child Cancer Survivors
I frequently receive donation requests from charities like St. Jude’s Hospital or American Cancer Society, sometimes featuring the picture of a child recovering from cancer. I can tell that they have gone through experiences that make them older than their years and just hope that the treatments that they are receiving are successful. But it […]