In the heat of anger, we often don’t use our best judgment. We may say and do things we later regret, or lose track of what we’re arguing about. Why is that? Well, it has to do with cortisol. You see, anger can spark an overload of cortisol in the brain. So where does the […]
How Anger Affects Your Brain and Body [Infographic – Part 1]
Anger can be a challenging emotion to work through. Sometimes our anger can be frightening. Or, maybe we consider it inappropriate to even feel this way at all. Not only that, when anger is misdirected, it often leads to poor choices, damaged relationships, and even violence. So what’s really going on in the brain and […]
Tools to Help Clients Calm Their Anxiety
Clients often experience anxiety as their body responds to danger – whether real or imagined. And for some of our clients, when anxiety revs up, slowing it back down can take on a sense of emergency. So what exactly is it that often keeps people from soothing anxiety once it begins to take hold? According […]
Why Practitioners Need to Talk About Mistakes
As practitioners, there’s one thing we don’t talk about nearly enough – mistakes. Because let’s face it, we all want to avoid mistakes. But we’re human. And just like everyone else, we make them. In order to grow as practitioners (and avoid future mistakes), it’s vital that we have frank conversations about our experiences – […]
One Childhood Lesson That Sticks with Me
From a young age, I was taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive . . . . . . and over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom behind those simple words. You see, one of the founding principles of NICABM is to give back and do what we can […]