Stress – it’s often (if not always) a regular part of life. But everyone handles it differently, and many people are frequently on the search for ways to deal with it more effectively. Now, while stress triggers are usually different from person to person, our brains are actually hardwired to process stress in a certain […]
Building the Brain – Can Exercise Help?
As we get older, we tend to place a higher and higher premium on getting healthy, staying energized, and feeling youthful . . . . . . and one effective way to do that is through regular exercise. So if that’s the impact a workout routine can have on your body as you age, what […]
The Brain Under Stress – Using Mindfulness to Regain Focus
Imagine having to keep your guard up every day because of bullying and the constant threat of violence . . . . . . this is what life is like for many of the adolescents incarcerated in high security prisons all over the world. And the high stress that it causes can wreak havoc on […]
Making Movement Easier: Can Mindfulness Re-Open Pathways in the Brain?
Have you ever had to stop and think about making your fingers move or wiggling your toes? For people who have experienced a stroke or suffer from a motor neuron disease, simple tasks like these can be nearly impossible. But here’s some heartening news – brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) may help them regain some of what […]
One Way to Lessen the Stress of Holiday Travel
Ever feel a twinge in your stomach on the way to the airport? Many people are nervous travelers to begin with, and when you add things like leaving behind something important or running late for a flight, it can be a recipe for extra stress (perhaps especially around the holidays). But here’s something that’s quick […]