Gray. A color often associated with negative things such as aging, ambiguity, and bad weather… But there’s one place where more gray is good – and that’s in your brain. A higher concentration of gray matter in certain areas of the brain is correlated with higher intelligence. So now the question is, how do you […]
How Prisoners Are Benefiting From Yoga
The other day, we shared a video of a practitioner who introduced mindfulness to female prisoners (if you missed it, you can check it out here). We received a lot of thoughtful comments, and found out that even among our readers, there are practitioners introducing mindfulness in prisons. Since so many people were interested, we […]
An Unlikely Setting for Mindfulness Practice?
When you picture an ideal place to meditate, what comes to mind? Chances are, it’s not a prison cell . . . . . . and yet mindfulness is making inroads in several areas of the prison system. After discovering a widespread history of trauma and neglect among the female inmates he works with, one […]
Mindfulness: Is it making its way into the mainstream?
At first glance, we might tend to see mindfulness and politics as an unlikely pairing . . . . . . but after my conversation with US Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) the other night, I was reminded that there is at least one politician in office who makes it seem natural. Not only does he […]
Can Mindfulness Change How the Brain Processes Emotion?
We’d like to think it can, but what does the evidence show? A working definition of mindfulness is that it attentively and non-judgmentally focuses on present experiences. But does this actually affect anything in the brain? To find out, Jacqueline Lutz, from the psychiatry department at the University Hospital of Zurich, led a study investigating […]