Many people see perfectionism as essential for success. After all, setting high standards and achieving big goals can feel very rewarding. Problem is, perfectionistic behavior can also come with a cost – it can get in the way of people’s relationships, and even lead to depression and anxiety. So, is there something in a person’s […]
Perfectionism – The Drive to be Perfect and What it Costs Clients
When we think of perfectionism, we often think of the rewards that sometimes come with it . . . . . . think: the respect and admiration of others, the thrill of mastering a new skill, or the sense of accomplishment after a job well done. And when a client is reveling in these kinds […]
Treating the Trauma That Lingers in the Body
After experiencing trauma, many clients live in near-constant fear that it will happen again. It’s not only the brain that goes into a vigilant state of bracing for danger – it’s the body and nervous system as well. That’s why we created this illustration for you to share with your clients. It’s one way to […]
How Trauma Can Impact Four Types of Memory [Infographic]
Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s memory . . . . . . and traumatic memory can affect not only the brain, but also the body and nervous system as well. But conceptualizing how trauma can impact the different types of memory can be challenging, so we created a free tool for […]
3 Strategies to Help Trauma Patients Feel Safe
As practitioners, we know how crucial it is to create a safe space when working with clients who have experienced trauma.But this can often be challenging . . . and nuanced. That’s because for many trauma patients, sometimes even a friendly face or a gesture of compassion can feel unsafe, even threatening. So what are […]
Polyvagal Theory & Perfectionism – A Brief Case Study
In so much of modern society, perfectionism is something people often regard as necessary for success.But even though it can sometimes give us a healthy competitive edge, or push us to try and achieve impossible-sounding goals . . . . . . perfectionism often comes with a cost. You see, for many clients, their perfectionistic […]
Three Ways to Resource Clients When Anxiety Is Triggered
When a client struggles with emotional triggers, finding ways to help them disrupt that automatic cycle of reactivity can be difficult.But according to Rick Hanson, PhD, there are three key practices that can help a client regain a sense of safety and calm – especially when anxiety gets triggered. He takes us through them in […]
One Childhood Lesson That Sticks with Me
From a young age, I was taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive . . . . . . and over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom behind those simple words. You see, one of the founding principles of NICABM is to give back and do what we can […]
One Way to Start Shifting Clients Out of a Blame Mindset
Clients who tend to blame other people for their problems can be uniquely challenging to work with. And sometimes, that’s because they struggle to consider their own role in a situation. So how can we help them reframe their perspective and start to shift out of a blame mindset? Well according to Ron Siegel, PsyD, […]
Could a Smartphone App Help Treat PTSD?
Could people who experience PTSD hold a potential key to relief right in the palm of their hand? I’m talking about a smartphone app that could help reduce symptoms of PTSD. Back in 2011, the U.S. Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD developed the app, PTSD Coach, to help veterans suffering from posttraumatic symptoms. Since […]