Can we influence our genes? If you joined us for this week’s webinar on epigenetics with Bruce Lipton, PhD, you might have a new perspective on how your experiences, brain, and biology all relate to gene expression. Now, this week’s focus on epigenetics related to brain science, but we have also covered it in our […]
Changing the Brain: The Impact of a Sedentary Lifestyle
We often hear about the benefits of exercise, and how it can even change your brain. But let’s take a moment to look at the flipside – how does living a sedentary lifestyle impact your brain? Researchers at Wayne University School of Medicine wanted to find out, so first, they gathered up some rats. They […]
How Your Experiences Can Affect Your Brain (and Cells): Something New in Neuroscience
It has been said that our emotions can often have a big impact on how healthy we are. But is there more to the story? According to Bruce Lipton, PhD, one of the reasons for this is that our emotions can actually influence our genes – both negatively and positively. Dr. Lipton is a pioneer […]
A Webinar Series Isn’t Enough: Here’s Something to Help You Digest This Valuable Information
It doesn’t matter how much brain science you know if you don’t apply it to your life and work. That’s our whole philosophy, and it’s what I’ve always built our webinar series around. And, it’s also why we’ve designed the learning tools – to help you take action so you can see more results in […]
Treating ADHD Without Medication: Can it Be Done?
Here’s something that really worries me . . . . . . it often seems that as soon as someone presents with symptoms of ADHD, they’re handed a prescription. Now just for the record, I’m not against pharmaceutical intervention, but I’d like to see other interventions considered as well. And ideally before a prescription is […]
Concentration and the Brain – Training Your Brain for Better Focus
Throughout a typical workday, we can generally expect to encounter one or more of the following: a frequently ringing phone, a plethora of emails and text messages, and at least a couple interruptions from (albeit well-meaning) friends and co-workers. Sometimes, it all adds up to make it feel like we’re living a lot of our […]
Boosting the Effects of Exercise on the Brain
Brain science is constantly changing and discovering new, exciting ideas . . . . . . but one thing that seems to keep popping up is how great exercise is for your body, and for your brain. Last week, I told you about a study that focused on the effect that physical activity can have […]
Simple and Effective Ways to Build a Happier Brain
Remember what it was like when you first learned to drive a car, or ride a bike? In our webinar with Rick Hanson, PhD, we got into ways to recreate that beginner’s mind, and use old experiences to create the same sort of brain change that new experiences can. But that’s just one of the […]
Recharge Your Brain with a Good Night’s Sleep
A late night at work, too many things on the to-do list, or maybe you were startled awake by a nightmare . . . . . . most of us have experienced lack of sleep at some point in our lives (and for some, it can feel more like the norm than the exception). But, […]
A Different Way to Handle Stress – Can Brain Science Help?
Stress – it’s often (if not always) a regular part of life. But everyone handles it differently, and many people are frequently on the search for ways to deal with it more effectively. Now, while stress triggers are usually different from person to person, our brains are actually hardwired to process stress in a certain […]