Many people are creatures of habit. But even when these habits are unhealthy, or sometimes downright dangerous, they can be difficult to change. So, Debra Safer, MD (of Stanford University) and Kristin von Ranson, PhD (of University of Calgary) wanted to see if Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) could help people suffering from binge eating disorder. […]
Mindfulness Strategies for Dealing with Distress
During moments of distress, people often default to a mode of reacting, rather than responding. And while that’s hardwired into our biological makeup, what if there was a way to counteract it? What if we could help people regain control of runaway emotions and maintain composure in a crisis? In the short video below, […]
How Mindfulness is Changing People’s Perspectives: A Global Learning Community
Practitioners from all over the world tuned in to hear Jack Kornfield, PhD talk about how mindfulness can empower people to shift their focus from judgment to acceptance. The comment board is buzzing with insightful, perceptive takes on my webinar with Jack, and I just wanted to highlight a few that struck me. These webinars […]
Mindfulness and Self-Worth – Is There a Connection?
Feelings of unworthiness, shame, and self-hatred seem to show up all too often in daily life – we see it in our work, our families, and maybe even experience it ourselves. But there’s at least one person in the world who’s not especially familiar with such feelings. In fact, he didn’t even know the meaning […]
Can Mindfulness Practice Boost Your Conscience?
How strong is your urge to “do the right thing”? Whether we’re talking about the small-but-good deed of returning your shopping cart to its proper place at the grocery store, or something a little more impactful like volunteering at the local soup kitchen, conscience plays a role. So is there a way to give it […]
How One Little Gadget Helped Us Get Healthy This Summer
Use the 1/2 rule. Aim for 1/2 as much protein and carbohydrates while doubling your servings of vegetables and fruit… …walk around inside your house, or even outside, while talking on the phone… …or drink a tall glass of water before you eat – it’s easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Over the last two […]
Can Mindfulness Change Your Brain Structure?
Gray. A color often associated with negative things such as aging, ambiguity, and bad weather… But there’s one place where more gray is good – and that’s in your brain. A higher concentration of gray matter in certain areas of the brain is correlated with higher intelligence. So now the question is, how do you […]
When the Brain Changes, People’s Lives Can Change …… and We Wanted to See it in Action
The brain’s amazing ability to change and rewire itself is crucial to helping people heal. That’s why we created the webinar series on the New Brain Science. We got curious about how practitioners were using the ideas in their work. So a few months ago, we held a contest for people who attended the webinar […]
Expand Your Impact(without increasing your hours?)
Back in 2003, my otherwise healthy father had a serious myocardial infarction. For days I traveled back and forth from my home to the hospital in Massachusetts, visiting, keeping track of his progress, and advocating on his behalf. Had I been in private practice, or working for a hospital or agency, that would have been […]
How to Stay Ahead of the Changes in Our Professions
Many of us were drawn to our profession because we wanted to help people . . . . . . but what happens when fewer and fewer people seek your help? With the economy and people having busier lives, a lot of practices are starting to see a steady decline in clients coming in on […]