Soldiers in a war zone experience more trauma in a week than many others experience in their lives . . . . . . but it still feels like our tools for treating trauma aren’t quite sufficient. Mindfulness meditation could be a powerful healing intervention – but does it work with soldiers? The early research […]
How to Recognize Childhood Trauma
When kids have trouble paying attention in school, when they’re too emotional, or reactionary, or downright aggressive, what can we do to help them turn it around? Perhaps too often, these behaviors are addressed with medication for ADHD or bipolar disorder. But according to Bessel van der Kolk, MD, the problem (and the solution) may […]
PTSD and Emotional Trauma Affects Partners of Veterans Too
It’s common knowledge that caring for someone with PTSD sometimes leads to secondary trauma. But researchers at the University of Utah wondered just how bad that secondary trauma could be. Could the partners of veterans with PTSD suffer just as much, if not more, than the veterans themselves? Catherine Caska, a graduate student in clinical […]
Trauma therapy in the wake of a tragedy
When I saw the pictures of Monday’s tragedy in Boston, my heart went out to all the people in the race – from the runners, to their families and friends, and of course the residents of Boston – all gathered for what should have been a day of celebration and accomplishment. But one person in […]
PTSD and gene expression: What can we learn about treating trauma?
Is there a “trauma gene”? Well, let’s back up a bit. We know that genetics can have something to do with vulnerability to trauma. But what if we could find a specific gene that led to PTSD? That’s just what Ya-Ping Tang, MD, PhD, a professor of cell biology at LSU, tried to do. Joined […]
The Trauma Therapy Connection: Treating Trauma as a Community
With more than 5,000 practitioners tuning in to my webinar with Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD this week, I expected some really insightful thoughts on our comment boards. And you didn’t disappoint. I’d like to take a moment to share a few of my favorites with you. First, it’s always wonderful to see practitioners drawing links […]
The brain’s attempt to help us heal from trauma?
When people are jarred from sleep because of a nightmare, the disturbing images can be difficult to shake. Even though they’re “just dreams,” nightmares can be very upsetting and can sometimes haunt us long after we’ve awoken. But believe it or not, there may be a good reason for them. Nightmares are part of the […]
Could simply writing about trauma reduce PTSD symptoms?
People sometimes privately express in a diary thoughts that they don’t feel comfortable sharing with others. But does this process actually contribute to healing? A recent study led by Gail Ironson, MD, PhD, from the University of Miami, investigated whether a written trauma disclosure intervention would be effective with populations of HIV infected individuals. Dr. […]
Do stress and emotional trauma affect child development?
Can trauma pass from parent to child? It’s an interesting question. Some leading-edge research suggests that it’s possible – trauma felt by survivors might even affect their children’s gene expression. But we don’t need epigenetics to study how trauma strikes across generations. For example, researchers at Auburn University studied a more mundane form of intergenerational […]
How PTSD changes children’s brains
Trauma can change the brain . . . . . . but it doesn’t just change the survivor’s brain. In fact, it can actually change the brains of the survivor’s children – in some pretty insidious ways. Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD explains how traumatic experiences can affect a mother’s children, even if the children themselves […]