Romance can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, but for many people it can also be quite a challenge. Beyond the normal hurdles of developing and sustaining relationships, recent research suggests that childhood abuse and neglect might make people more vulnerable to troubled romantic relationships in adulthood. Professor Golan Shahar and Dana Lassri, of Ben-Gurion University […]
Can Trauma Be a Factor in IBS?
Trauma can cause a slew of symptoms including panic, distress, sleeping disorders, and in some cases, flashbacks. But, can trauma be a factor in Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)? Some might think that psychological trauma would only have psychological repercussions, but a recent study presented at the American College of Gastroenterology’s annual scientific meeting shows that […]
Can Loving Relationships Help in Treating the Wounds of Trauma?
Trauma can be overwhelmingly difficult to deal with alone. And further, it ultimately affects more than just the person who initially suffered the trauma. It’s very common for it to affect an intimate relationship, as well as the whole family. Thus, couples therapy can be an effective tool. Watch this video as Dr. Sue Johnson […]
Can This One Exercise Unlock Your Brain’s Natural Anti-Anxiety Drug?
What one exercise can boost feel-good chemicals in your brain while reducing anxiety and improving your mood? The answer is yoga. In a study lead by Chris Streeter, MD he and his colleagues from the Boston University School of Medicine found that yoga reduced anxiety, improved mood, and boosted the anti-anxiety neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) […]
How Trauma Traps Survivors in the Past – A Look at Trauma Therapy with Bessel van der Kolk, MD
One of the perils of trauma is that it can destroy a survivor’s sense of time. But when this happens, how can we help to restore it? Recently, I spoke with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, considered the world’s leading expert in post-traumatic stress. Watch below as Bessel explains how trauma affects our patients’ sense […]
Early Traumatic Events May Contribute to the Development of Eating Disorders
Is it what you’re eating… or what’s eating you? Recent research shows that lack of family support following psychological trauma in childhood can contribute to life-long eating disorders. It’s fascinating to think that physical malnourishment may reflect a lack of emotional nourishment in a traumatic childhood. Jerica Berge, PhD and colleagues from the University of […]
How Trauma Affects a Child’s Brain
We all know that trauma impacts us emotionally, but does it also affect our intelligence? A new study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health suggests that children who witness their mothers being the victim of abuse, or experience physical or sexual abuse themselves, actually score lower on cognitive tests later in life. […]
Old Before Their Time: The Effect of PTSD on Children’s Telomeres
Stress and PTSD can take a toll on our bodies, minds, and spirits, resulting in damage that can age us before our time. That’s not an opinion − it’s been proven scientifically. It’s no secret that I love learning about telomeres, which are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that keep them from deteriorating. […]
Leading Psychiatric Doctor Claims Re-labeling PTSD as PTSI will bring "Unintended Consequences"
Will re-naming Post Traumatic-Stress Disorder (PTSD) to Post-Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) help to reduce patient stigma?According to Matthew Friedman, MD, PhD, the answer is no. In our last post, I talked about whether or not we should drop the “disorder” from PTSD. Now, let’s get into the discussion the American Psychiatric Association is having. In […]
PTSD or PTS: Which to Use When Treating Trauma?
Did you know that only half of the soldiers with trauma are willing to seek treatment? Many are resistant because they do not want their symptoms to be labeled a “disorder”, as in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Can a name alone really be that powerful? According to Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, author of Invisible Heroes, there […]