For many menopausal women, hot flashes are the bane of their existence. While there’s more to the experience of menopause than hot flashes, they’ve become the most recognizable sound-bite to sum up what most women find so unpleasant. There are a number of pharmaceutical options out there for addressing hot flashes, but little by little […]
Osteoporosis and Women’s Body Fat: All Fat Isn’t the Same
Not all fat is the same. All of us have heard about the difference between saturated fats and unrefined vegetable fats. But it isn’t as often that we talk about the health differences in body fats. Visceral, or intra-abdominal fat, is located deep under the muscle tissue in the abdominal cavity and has been linked […]
Antioxidants: Are They Good for Fertility?
When I’ve spoken with people who were trying to get pregnant, one common problem they all mentioned was the staggering amount of inconsistent information about how to increase their chances of getting pregnant.
The truth is, there are a lot of unanswered fertility questions still waiting for the scientific community to tackle.
But on the other hand, we’ve come a long way in obtaining fertility for couples who a generation ago would have never been able to have biological children.
US Women Failing Government’s Health Goals
Every ten years, an interagency working group within the US government develops health goals for the country to work toward. First, the good news: The number of women in the nation receiving mammograms, the number being screened for colorectal cancer, and the number that had annual dental exams met or exceeded national goals for 2010. […]
Good News: Breast Cancer Rates Dropped
This is good news, but let’s look at why it happened. Breast cancer rates dropped with the decreased use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). And the decreased use of HRT came after the 2002 publishing of the Women’s Health Initiative’s report, which linked the use of HRT to increased breast cancer. Since that time, evidence […]
Reporting in and Giving Thanks
As we begin a new year of programming, we owe a special thanks to you. Because of your support, we’ve had over 3,000 practitioners from 120 countries on each of our teleseminar calls. Your support of our programs made us successful beyond anything we dreamed possible. And it’s also because of your support that we […]
Here’s to the Cloud
My New Year’s resolution for 2011 is to get into the cloud. What does that mean? Cloud technology refers to the internet. Because of the cloud, you can connect to information virtually using a number of different devices, such as multiple desktops, laptops or smart phones. In the cloud, you are no longer limited to […]
Mindfulness and the Re-Integration of Soldiers: the Coming Home Project
In past blogs, I’ve mentioned the use of mindfulness in military pre-deployment training. As this process is in its infancy, there are many service people who will never come across mindfulness training as part of their military experience. One organization that is trying to rectify this gap, at least upon reentry into civilian life, is […]
What’s Happening in the Brain During Meditation?
We’ve talked a lot about meditation for general health and even for neuroplasticity. And yet . . . . . . have you ever been curious about what is actually happening in the brain during meditation? This was addressed by a recent study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Jim Lagopoulos, PhD, […]
Mindfulness and the Practitioner: How to bring our "best self" to our work
Some kids dream of being professional athletes or walking on the moon, but for many of us, it was the act of healing that motivated us entering the health and mental health professions. But this doesn’t mean there aren’t days when we wouldn’t rather be on the moon than treating a particularly challenging patient. Or […]