Has anyone seen the Jim Carrey film “Yes Man”? In this film, he decides to change his unsatisfactory life by saying yes to everything. While he ends up modifying his yes stance somewhat, he may have been on to something. Mindfulness practitioners for many years have understood the effects that saying “no” can have on […]
Mindfulness, Memory, and the Military
I’m always on the look-out for new mindfulness studies and projects. I’ve mentioned a number of my “favorite” researchers in past blogs and recently a new researcher (at least new to me) has caught my attention. Amishi Jha, PhD, out of the University of Miami, is the lead investigator of the Schofield Barracks Training and […]
Could Mindfulness Cure Road Rage and Other Indulgences in Righteous Indignation
I just read another article on road rage. Let’s face it . . . some drivers are incompetent and that can be annoying . . . but violence? over someone else’s driving? Could mindfulness “cure” road rage and help the rest of us calm our righteous indignation? Probably not wipe it out altogether, but . […]
Mindfulness Meditation and Pain Reduction
In an earlier post, I reported on some work by Montreal University researcher Pierre Rainville, PhD, who found that meditators experienced an 18% reduction in pain sensitivity compared to their non-meditating counterparts. A new study by Christopher Brown, PhD out of the University of Manchester, UK and published in the journal Pain, found that meditation […]
Mindfulness in Action: Reclaiming the Wonder of Newness
We’ve talked about how mindfulness can encourage self-compassion, lack of judgment, and acceptance for things as they are.
Mindfulness Meditation and MS
According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, an average of 400,000 Americans live with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), while each week 200 new cases are being diagnosed. The symptoms of MS are numerous, but include fatigue, numbness, depression, and pain. Treatments for MS generally focus on reducing disease progression, but what about the psychological effects of […]
Wise Concentration – A Beginner’s Exercise for Developing Mindfulness
Help build patients’ mindfulness and awareness by using Dr. Sylvia Boorstein’s exercise to determine reaction style under stress.
Mindfulness Lessens Symptoms of IBS
Over 20% of adult Americans suffer from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. And the stress and anxiety that can result only worsen the frequency and severity of symptoms – a kind of vicious cycle. If the stress and anxiety associated with the onset of IBS could be managed, would it be possible to […]
Mindfulness Meditation: One Size Does Not Fit All
Many of us have incorporated various mindfulness practices into our daily lives and into our work with our patients and yet, as with so many other things that are good for you, there is no one-size-fits-all regimen that we can apply. So how are your colleagues currently adopting mindfulness meditation for their particular client population? […]
The Health Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has far-reaching health benefits. Exciting new findings in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are now suggesting that mindfulness practice can actually change brain pathways. That’s a huge step forward because it can lead to important applications for our work. Among the many things that we know about mindfulness, research has shown that: Becoming more attuned to […]