I played with marbles as a kid. Did you? Now I’m wondering if those little round stones can have an impact on memory and emotions. According to a new study published in Cognition, simple motor functioning like playing with marbles may trigger memories. Daniel Casasanto, PhD (Donders Center for Brain, Cognition, & Behavior, Nijmegen, […]
A Pain-Resistant Patch? Sign Me Up
I know that most people are not lovers of physical pain. If someone invented a patch to keep the wearer from feeling pain, this inventor would become an instant billionaire. But it appears that there already is something better than a patch: Zen meditation. In an earlier study, Montreal University researchers from the lab of […]
Your Teenager’s Brain IS Different
Many of us look back at our teenage years and realize that while often turbulent, these years laid the groundwork for who we are today. We learned incredible amounts of information, not just in terms of academics but also in terms of who we were as individuals. But why were these years so turbulent? At […]
Ritalin and Brain Growth – Guest Blog with Bill O’Hanlon
Hi, this is Bill O’Hanlon, guest blogging while Ruth travels to some conferences. Ruth recently interviewed me as part of NICABM’s Brain Plasticity series on brain plasticity and depression. There I discussed a new hypothesis relating depression, movement, brain growth and anti-depressants. Well, now comes news that Ritalin, like anti-depressants, appears to encourage not just […]
Is Your Brain Feeling Brilliant Today?
I love those days when my brain can do no wrong. I remember the names of people whom I haven’t seen in decades. I am able to focus on my work and get projects done in record time. My brain is on as if it’s in turbo-charge. But then there are those other days when […]
Could Neurogenesis Change Our Treatment of Addiction?
An osteopathic physician from Henderson, NV recently asked about the application of neurogenesis to the treatment of addictions. The back story – we recently held a free teleseminar on The Brain Plasticity and Depression Connection. Thousands of practitioners were on that call from all over the world and a lively discussion of its application. Turns […]
Mindfulness and the Brain
The brain has been “on my brain” for the last few weeks as I’ve been planning the New Science of the Brain teleseminar series. I’ve started to wonder how mindfulness meditation can change the brain. Turns out, others have been wondering the same thing… Sara Lazar, PhD runs a Meditation Laboratory out of Harvard. Her […]
Those Tricky Telomeres
Okay, not only is it cold outside, but it is dark when we wake up and getting dark when we get out of work. Not exactly the most conducive atmosphere for running. I use the stair-stepper downstairs, but sometimes I get busy and decide that tomorrow will do just as well. Then ANOTHER new study […]
New Lessons from Old Rats
I start each New Year declaring that this will be the non-stress year. I will sign up for those wonderful yoga classes held at my community center and channel the Dalai Lama for all that I’m worth. And then January arrives and I’m busy with new projects . . . exciting ones, but stressful nonetheless. […]
The Power of Goodwill
I am so moved. 14-year-old Hannah Salwen has convinced her parents to sell their house and give half of the profit to charity. I don’t want to spoil the story, but I’ll tell you that they embarked on a journey that transported them across the globe and tested their comfort zone. See what you think. […]