Conscious Loving
Pathways for Awakening Our Heart
Thank you for being part of this comprehensive, interactive mindfulness program featuring Tara Brach, PhD, presented by NICABM.
We believe you will enjoy Tara’s teachings and will find immediate applications for her work – whether for yourself or for your clients.
The program will begin March 20th.
There’s one really important thing,
and it’s so important that I’m highlighting it here: We want to make sure you receive all of the important program information.
The problem is, without a little help from you, our emails can easily end up in your spam folder. Then you won’t get your log-in information and be able to get started with Tara.
So it’s crucial that you add [] to your address book. Or if you use Gmail, just drag any one of our emails from the Promotions tab up into the Primary tab. When it asks you if you want to do this for future NICABM emails, simply click Yes. Then you’ll be all set to receive all of the important program information that will help you get started right away.