When a client erupts in anger, what’s really going on? While anger is a normal and sometimes necessary emotion, it can escalate all too quickly once triggered. And that can lead to devastating choices and consequences. In the video below, ten experts share their perspectives on what drives anger, and how they approach it. Take […]
How Anger Affects the Brain and Body [Infographic]
Anger can be one of the most challenging emotions that we work with. Clients are sometimes afraid of their anger. Or, maybe they consider it inappropriate to even feel this way at all. Not only that, when anger is misdirected, it often leads to poor choices, damaged relationships, and even violence. But anger can actually […]
A Practical Skill for Defusing Anger
Anger is a normal (and often necessary) emotion. But when tempers flare and rage ensues, our clients’ relationships suffer, their stress levels skyrocket, and reactivity simply takes over. So how can people shift out of anger once the fuse is lit? In the video below, Marsha Linehan, PhD will share a practical skill to help […]
Could Mindfulness Cure Road Rage and Other Indulgences in Righteous Indignation
I just read another article on road rage. Let’s face it . . . some drivers are incompetent and that can be annoying . . . but violence? over someone else’s driving? Could mindfulness “cure” road rage and help the rest of us calm our righteous indignation? Probably not wipe it out altogether, but . […]
Victims, Resentment and Toxic Relationships (New Video)
Regardless of education, experience, or intelligence, many struggle with relationships. Though the research is clear that healthy relationships can be immune enhancing, being (and staying) in a loving, intimate relationship is one of the most challenging things we do. All sorts of difficulties in relationships are related to resentment and identification as a victim. Far […]