A lot of us dread the onset of flu season . . . . . . because nothing really helps when you’ve got the flu. There’s no magic pill – just bed rest and plenty of fluids . . . But here’s a provocative thought: Could mindfulness meditation actually prevent influenza (and other acute respiratory […]
How Mindfulness Works to Help the Brain Manage Pain
Can meditation help you feel less pain? What if one week of short meditation classes could change the way your brain perceives pain? Fadel Zeidan, PhD, and his colleagues at Wake Forest University wanted to find out how mindfulness meditation affects pain reception. Specifically, they looked the areas of the brain responsible for constructing the […]
"I Don’t Have Time to Meditate"
I bet that’s one of the biggest objections practitioners hear when they recommend meditation. Many of us work with pretty busy people. They juggle work, family responsibilities, and other obligations. They don’t want slow improvement over months – they want solutions now. But what if we could show even our most stressed-out clients that the […]
Mindfulness Technology for the 21st Century: Have You Tried These Apps?
When I think of mindfulness, what often comes to mind is my early morning sitting practice . . . both the struggles and the benefits. My Droid smartphone and my laptop aren’t anywhere in the picture. And yet, perhaps they should be. Technology has given us computer programs and apps for just about everything, so […]
Changing the Brain in One Month Flat
We know meditation can change the brain, but can just one month of meditation really make a difference? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Yi-Yuan Tang, PhD and his research team from Texas Tech University looked at the impact that short-term meditation has on the brain’s white matter. White matter is fatty tissue that covers brain […]