To test this theory, Willem Kuyken, PhD, and his team at Oxford University, first needed to come up with a safe and ethical protocol for working with participants having a history of depression. You see, it wouldn’t be either ethical or safe to randomly select some people and ask them not to take their medications […]
How Does Mindfulness Change the Brain?
Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and even chronic pain. But how does that happen? The other day, I told you about a study that looked at how mindfulness can change the anxious brain. As it turns out, scientists have confirmed another brain connection, with a surprising twist. […]
A Mindfulness Program That Works for Mild to Moderate Depression
Many of the mindfulness studies that I come across examine either healthy volunteers or patients who have severe clinical conditions. But what about people whose symptoms fall somewhere in between? Could mindfulness practice be effective with them too? That’s why this recent research study done by Wendy Pots, DClinPsych from the University of Twente (Netherlands), […]
Changing the Brain with Meditation: What’s Sleep Got to Do With It?
When a busy day is done, and you’re finally tucked in bed and fast asleep, your brain gets a break from that seemingly endless daily barrage of stimulation. For researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that made for an ideal opportunity to take a look at brain waves in their most natural, uninfluenced state. They […]
Is There a Cost to Avoiding Conflict?
Dealing with conflict is seldom easy. That’s why, in the face of conflict, many people’s default mode is to try to minimize it or avoid it outright. But is there a cost involved when we shy away from confrontation? Tara Brach, PhD says that this kind of avoidance is actually a “false refuge.” She shares […]