Everywhere I go, I see people glued to their phones – almost obsessed. And you might say, why not? Phones these days can do everything – take photos, store games and books, keep our calendars . . . even help us chart our happiness. Yes, I did say chart our happiness. This app is one […]
Rebooting with Mother Nature – Something to Inspire You
Here in the northeast, we’ve gone through quite a winter. Now I know it could always be worse (and there are other places in the world that got hit a whole lot harder than we did), but I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever see flowers blooming again. And to top it all off, […]
How to Help People Overcome Social Anxiety (and Change Their Brain Response)
There’s something that affects about 15 million people in the United States alone . . . . . . and it can make simple things like talking to others, or even looking in the mirror, seem absolutely terrifying. I’m talking about social anxiety disorder (SAD) – a feeling of overwhelming emotional distress that, for so […]
Dream Big, Work Hard, and Go For It – A Little Motivation to Help Inspire You
Throughout this year, I’ve found myself continually inspired by the practitioners who make up the NICABM community. And if you’re reading this, that means I’m talking about you. As practitioners, we dedicate ourselves to helping people transform their lives. It can be a challenging endeavor, but it’s worth every ounce of effort. But every now […]
The Brain Under Stress – Using Mindfulness to Regain Focus
Imagine having to keep your guard up every day because of bullying and the constant threat of violence . . . . . . this is what life is like for many of the adolescents incarcerated in high security prisons all over the world. And the high stress that it causes can wreak havoc on […]