The treatment of trauma can be some of the most complex work practitioners face. And for years, this challenge was complicated by not having a clear picture of the impact that trauma has on the brain. But scientific advances within just the past few years have opened the eyes of practitioners to what actually happens […]
A Global Audience in Rethinking Trauma
As this year’s Rethinking Trauma webinar series comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for tuning in. Every time we run a series, I’m humbled by the number of people who take part. In this series, 19,566 practitioners joined us for one or more of the webinars. I’m thrilled […]
Three Ways Trauma Can Change the Brain
The treatment of trauma can be some of the most complex work practitioners face. And for years, this challenge was complicated by not having a clear picture of the impact that trauma has on the brain. But scientific advances within just the past few years have opened the eyes of practitioners to what actually happens […]
Changing lives all around the world
There are people who are working hard, day in and day out, to discover the breakthroughs that can improve trauma treatment . . . And then there are the people, including many of you, who work hard to learn the latest so you can make a difference in the lives of your patients – trauma […]
How Trauma Traps Survivors in the Past – A Look at Trauma Therapy with Bessel van der Kolk, MD
One of the perils of trauma is that it can destroy a survivor’s sense of time. But when this happens, how can we help to restore it? Recently, I spoke with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, considered the world’s leading expert in post-traumatic stress. Watch below as Bessel explains how trauma affects our patients’ sense […]