Muhammad Ali, Michael J. Fox, Linda Ronstadt – these are some of the most well-known faces of Parkinson’s disease. But millions of people all over the world are living with this diagnosis, and dealing with the constant tremors, pain, and depression that can come with it. Medication and therapy alike have been used to treat […]
Changing the Brain with Meditation: What’s Sleep Got to do With It?
When a busy day is done, and you’re finally tucked in bed and fast asleep, your brain gets a break from that seemingly endless daily barrage of stimulation. For researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that made for an ideal opportunity to take a look at brain waves in their most natural, uninfluenced state. They […]
Why Optimism Is Good for Your Brain
Focusing on positive experiences is a reflex for some, but it’s a skill that all of us would be wise to adopt. Because not only can it be just plain enjoyable to mentally relive good experiences, it can actually rewire your brain. New findings keep showing us that everything we do affects our brain. But […]