In the heat of anger, we often don’t use our best judgment. We may say and do things we later regret, or lose track of what we’re arguing about. Why is that? Well, it has to do with cortisol. You see, anger can spark an overload of cortisol in the brain. So where does the […]
How Anger Affects Your Brain and Body [Infographic – Part 1]
Anger can be a challenging emotion to work through. Sometimes our anger can be frightening. Or, maybe we consider it inappropriate to even feel this way at all. Not only that, when anger is misdirected, it often leads to poor choices, damaged relationships, and even violence. So what’s really going on in the brain and […]
How Drama and Theater Can Rewire Limiting Beliefs
As practitioners, we sometimes have to be creative in coming up with interventions that will work for a particular patient. And this can be especially true when clients have deeply rooted limiting beliefs about themselves after trauma. Bessel van der Kolk, MD is a master at coming up with creative approaches to help clients work […]
How Anger Affects the Brain and Body [Infographic]
Anger can be one of the most challenging emotions that we work with. Clients are sometimes afraid of their anger. Or, maybe they consider it inappropriate to even feel this way at all. Not only that, when anger is misdirected, it often leads to poor choices, damaged relationships, and even violence. But anger can actually […]
Helping Trauma Patients Shed Feelings of Shame
For someone who’s experienced trauma, feelings of shame often remain long after the painful event. So how can practitioners help clients begin to reclaim a sense of self-worth? Kerstin Jung, PhD and Regina Steil, PsyD, at Goethe University Frankfurt, in Frankfurt, Germany, wanted to find out whether Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification (CRIM) could empower […]