The burger or the salad? The treadmill or the sofa? Spend or save? Throughout the course of a single day, choices like these test our willpower repeatedly . . . and sometimes the choices we make can leave us feeling like a failure. If you’ve ever made a vow to practice better self-control, you know […]
How Brain Training Helps Regulate Emotions
What if your doctor’s brain felt your pain – from being pricked with a needle all the way to surgery? It might be tough for them to get anything done, huh? Jean Decety, PhD, and his colleagues from the University of Chicago wanted to see whether physicians empathized with pain differently from the general population. […]
Rewiring the Brain to Buffer Social Pain
Being excluded hurts. Whether it’s being the last pick for dodgeball in recess or missing an important social gathering, being left out can cause substantial emotional pain. But what can you do about it? It’s just part of life, right? That answer wasn’t good enough for Dr. Paolo Riva and his colleagues at the University […]
Why Optimism Is Good for Your Brain
Focusing on positive experiences is a reflex for some, but it’s a skill that all of us would be wise to adopt. Because not only can it be just plain enjoyable to mentally relive good experiences, it can actually rewire your brain. New findings keep showing us that everything we do affects our brain. But […]
Brain Science and Meditation: How to Improve the Brain
Stress is no joke. Aside from the sleepless nights and lots of tension, stress can also have a range of negative health effects. So how do you reduce stress? A team of researchers at the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine started looking for answers. They gathered 18 patients who had received diagnoses of breast […]