We know meditation can change the brain, but can just one month of meditation really make a difference? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Yi-Yuan Tang, PhD and his research team from Texas Tech University looked at the impact that short-term meditation has on the brain’s white matter. White matter is fatty tissue that covers brain […]
Can This One Exercise Unlock Your Brain’s Natural Anti-Anxiety Drug?
What one exercise can boost feel-good chemicals in your brain while reducing anxiety and improving your mood? The answer is yoga. In a study lead by Chris Streeter, MD he and his colleagues from the Boston University School of Medicine found that yoga reduced anxiety, improved mood, and boosted the anti-anxiety neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) […]
Why 72 is worth celebrating . . .How brain science is changing the world
Why should you care that this series reached 13,298 practitioners in 72 countries? Because brain science, when artfully applied, can make a difference – it can truly heal people’s lives. And when someone’s brain changes, they respond with fewer fear-based reactions. Just that alone can plant the seeds of change across families, communities, and even […]
When the VW Bug fell off a cliff –and other things that can harm the brain
We want our brains to remain fully functioning until we’re 100. Right? But will that happen? What makes the difference in whether our brains stay healthy or not? Daniel Amen, MD has conducted over 70,000 brain scans and thus has some hard-won insight into what the pre-cursors might be to a less-than-optimally-functioning brain. Based on […]
Turmeric for a Healthy Brain: Part II
Have you had your turmeric yet this week? In a recent post, I talked about the neuroplastic possibilities of curcumin (a brain-boosting chemical in turmeric) for slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Did that convince you to start eating it? If not, consider this my second attempt. Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease isn’t the […]