I don’t know if you took music lessons as a child but . . . It’s hard for me to forget practicing my piano with my rather stern-faced teacher counting out the beat along with the metronome (it’s possible that she was stern-faced due to my lack of practice from the week before…). Now, returning […]
Your Brain is What You (and Your Mother) Eat
There have been lots of studies showing that kids are more likely to be overweight or “sugar-holics” if their parents, particularly their mothers, are. Many of these studies have based their conclusions on the role that mothers play in selecting foods for the household and in building awareness (or the lack thereof) of good nutrition […]
Thanks to Our Global Community
In the course of any company’s life, many staff/workers/employees would feel blessed to know that they are making a difference. Those of us here at NICABM are humbled and gratified to report that more than 4,900 listeners from 61 countries all around the world listened to our first teleseminar from the New Brain Science 2011 […]
Good Deeds are Catching: Altruism and the Social Brain
I’ve been thinking a lot about altruism ever since the horrible devastation in Haiti. In the aftermath, the world contributed millions of dollars of aid. From the US alone, $220 million was raised in the first week. The first week! And this at a time when our national unemployment rate was in double-digits. While pondering […]
Get out your hand weights… Strength Training and Cognitive Improvement in Women
In the United States, about 20% of seniors who suffer a hip fracture will die within a year. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, PhD, has been investigating the impact of women’s weight training for helping seniors decrease the rate of fractures out of her laboratory at the Center for Hip Health and Mobility, Vancouver General Hospital. Now she […]