Trauma affects nearly every area of a person’s brain. Not only that, but trauma disrupts the connections in the brain. And when the brain isn’t integrated, it impacts the nervous system and the entire body. So how can we work with clients to repair integration after trauma? In the video clip below, Pat Ogden, PhD […]
A Quick and Simple Way to Think about the Brain [Infographic]
Could having a map of the brain help you in your work with clients? For example, just being able to show your clients what part of the brain controls emotion, or the nervous system, could open the door to helping them learn how to regulate these areas. So we created an infographic based on the […]
Why The Most Popular New Year’s Resolution May Be More Important than You Think
If I was a betting person I’d be willing to wager that, if you asked around at your New Year’s party last night, you found at least one person whose resolution was to hit the gym more in the coming year.And I’d bet that if you asked them why, they’d mentioned the extra pounds they’ve […]
Helping Trauma Patients Shed Feelings of Shame
For someone who’s experienced trauma, feelings of shame often remain long after the painful event. So how can practitioners help clients begin to reclaim a sense of self-worth? Kerstin Jung, PhD and Regina Steil, PsyD, at Goethe University Frankfurt, in Frankfurt, Germany, wanted to find out whether Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification (CRIM) could empower […]
Parkinson’s Disease and Dance
Could dancing the tango improve cognitive function? According to the non-profit organization Dance for PD® (Parkinson’s disease), the answer is yes. Because Parkinson’s is a brain disorder, some people thought it might be uniquely affected by something like dance. So they approached the Mark Morris Dance Group in Brooklyn, New York, about creating a program […]