Sharing a traumatic memory can be a challenging and painful part of therapy for clients. It’s a time when we have to be particularly alert for signs that the client is getting either too hypo- or hyperaroused to safely continue. But compassion-based approaches increase a client’s capacity to revisit traumatic memories and explore difficult sensations. […]
Why Resentment Can Be an Important Step in Healing from Trauma, with Thema Bryant, PhD
Resentment can be a toxic emotion that hurts a client’s ability to connect with others and develop meaningful relationships. But are there times when it can be considered “healthy?” Well, in the video below, Thema Bryant, PhD shares how resentment can sometimes be an important step for clients healing from trauma. She also walks us […]
Stephen Porges, PhD on Political Differences at Holiday Dinners
For many clients, the holiday season is a time to get together with friends and family. But when relationships are strained by ideological differences, these reunions can quickly turn into stressful situations. So in the video below, Stephen Porges, PhD shares one way to help clients connect with people who hold strong opposing views. Have […]
Treating Attachment Trauma with Compassionate Imagery, with Deborah Lee, DClinPsy
Attachment trauma can leave clients on constant alert for threats . . . . . . which can make processing traumatic memories incredibly difficult. So in the video below, Deborah Lee, DClinPsy, shares how she worked with one client who was severely neglected in her childhood. She’ll walk you through the imagery exercise she used […]
Treating Trauma: Strategies to Help Clients Feel Safe
Trauma can rip away a client’s sense of safety . . . . . . and leave them with a nervous system that is primed to detect threats. That’s why as practitioners, it’s so important that we have strategies to build a client’s feelings of safety before we help them process traumatic memories. So in […]