A couple months back, I promised to give away 100% of what we took in from the Working with Fear program . . . . . . and send it all to organizations responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Now it’s time to report in on where the money went. But first, a little behind the […]
When a COVID-19 Worker Struggles to Connect with Their Partner
When a soldier comes home from war, the return to civilian life can be extremely challenging. It can feel easier to share openly and deeply with fellow soldiers who know the same battlefield experience than with a spouse. Now during the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals in hard-hit areas have been compared to warzones. And for some […]
How COVID-19 Is Affecting Practitioners
A couple weeks ago, we asked how COVID-19 was affecting your practice . . . . . . and I thought you might like to know what we found out. But first, thank you to the hundreds of practitioners from across the globe who shared their experiences. This helps us better understand how we can […]