It’s brain science – not rocket science. Although built from complex mixtures of chemicals and nerve cells, the brain isn’t that difficult to change. Everyday habits, interactions with other people, and even diet can potentially rewire the brain. In fact, just by focusing on the words on this site, you could be changing your brain […]
How Your Brain "Grows Up": Brain Change from Adolescence to Adulthood
Growing up, do you remember counting down the days until your 18th birthday? For many of us, 18 meant adulthood and, most importantly, freedom from the rules and restrictions that often come along with adolescence . . . . . . rules meant to protect teenagers from what we might think of as risky or […]
Could Brain Science Help us Treat a Cold Without Cold Medicine?
Could empathy have the power to heal? The link between stress and susceptibility to illness is fairly well established but what if you could start healing just by going to see your doctor? No pill. No x-rays. Just the experience of being heard and listened to. Now “power” is a strong word and I don’t […]