For many clients, anxiety can be crippling – it often stifles their personal and professional growth, shuts down their ability to form relationships, and sometimes even takes a toll on their physical health. So how can we help clients disrupt the exhausting cycle of anxious thoughts and feelings? Below, we created a free tool based […]
Why The Most Popular New Year’s Resolution May Be More Important than You Think
If I was a betting person I’d be willing to wager that, if you asked around at your New Year’s party last night, you found at least one person whose resolution was to hit the gym more in the coming year.And I’d bet that if you asked them why, they’d mentioned the extra pounds they’ve […]
Spirituality in Healing: A Worldwide Connection
We’ve talked a lot about connection during our Spirituality in Healing series. Well, you’re not just talking about connecting – you’re doing it. More than 10,905 practitioners tuned in to the 2012 Spirituality in Healing webinar series. That’s a remarkable number. And those practitioners joined us from 75 different countries. That’s a record. You’re making […]
The Courage of Surrender
Sometimes, it feels like we’re fighting for control in our lives. Maybe we’re afraid to surrender. Caroline Myss, PhD thinks it’s time to be brave. In this video, Caroline reveals the miraculous power of surrender. You might find yourself changing your approach to some of the most important things in your life. It’s only 3 […]
The Best Excuse I Ever Heard
I’m sure you’ve neeeeeever used an excuse to go off an intended diet, but maybe you know of someone who has? (wink) There are so many reasons why people resolve to make a change, start a diet, and then completely blow it off. “It’s the holidays, why not indulge a little?” “But my aunt doesn’t […]