When clients are feeling out of control, a common coping strategy is to focus on the things that they still can control. But according to Kelly McGonigal, PhD, what people want more than a sense of control is a sense of hope and positive influence. So how can we help our clients change their focus? […]
A Two-Step Approach for Helping Clients Bring Awareness to an Emotional Trigger
When a client is triggered, it can often set off a cycle of reactivity that makes them feel anxious, angry, or out of control. But how do we help a client who might not even realize they’re being triggered in the first place? In the video below, Zindel Segal, PhD, shares a two-step approach for […]
Olympic Training for the Brain?
Do Olympic athletes have strong brains as well as strong bodies? Research has shown the benefit of exercise in improving cell health (including brain cells), boosting the brain’s natural anti-anxiety drug, and strengthening the aging brain. But we still have a lot to learn about exactly how exercise changes the brain. Recently, a team of […]
Why The Most Popular New Year’s Resolution May Be More Important than You Think
If I was a betting person I’d be willing to wager that, if you asked around at your New Year’s party last night, you found at least one person whose resolution was to hit the gym more in the coming year.And I’d bet that if you asked them why, they’d mentioned the extra pounds they’ve […]
How the Brain Works with the Vagus: Empathy and More
When someone’s frowning, or beaming, or gaping in surprise, they’re wearing their heart on their face. That’s because the muscles that control facial expression are linked to the smart vagus, says Stephen Porges, PhD. Thanks to the vagus nerve, the emotions we feel are displayed on our faces and in the sound of our voices. […]