How can the body become a resource for a patient who’s experienced trauma? Polyvagal Theory helps us answer this question by explaining how people process their environment and how the body regulates itself in the face of stress and trauma. Watch the video below as Stephen Porges, PhD shares one way to apply Polyvagal Theory […]
Helping Trauma Patients Shed Feelings of Shame
For someone who’s experienced trauma, feelings of shame often remain long after the painful event. So how can practitioners help clients begin to reclaim a sense of self-worth? Kerstin Jung, PhD and Regina Steil, PsyD, at Goethe University Frankfurt, in Frankfurt, Germany, wanted to find out whether Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification (CRIM) could empower […]
Trauma therapy in the wake of a tragedy
When I saw the pictures of Monday’s tragedy in Boston, my heart went out to all the people in the race – from the runners, to their families and friends, and of course the residents of Boston – all gathered for what should have been a day of celebration and accomplishment. But one person in […]
The Trauma Therapy Connection: Treating Trauma as a Community
With more than 5,000 practitioners tuning in to my webinar with Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD this week, I expected some really insightful thoughts on our comment boards. And you didn’t disappoint. I’d like to take a moment to share a few of my favorites with you. First, it’s always wonderful to see practitioners drawing links […]