Picture this. It’s early morning, when the world often feels perfectly quiet. But for many people, there is no silence. There is only a loud buzzing in their ears, and nothing seems to make it stop. It’s tinnitus, a condition that affects people all over the world. And for some, these sounds can trigger severe […]
Expanding our Capacity to Love Others (and Ourselves) through Mindfulness
Doctor, nurse, therapist, social worker . . . . . . we all have roles we identify with, both personally and professionally. But, what do these roles we play have to do with experiencing unconditional love, and how can changing our awareness impact our sense of it? In this video clip, Ram Dass, PhD, […]
Releasing Negativity – Why It’s Essential for Healing
We know that grief can affect our emotional health – but did you know that it may also have profound physical effects? A recent study led by Murray Mittleman, MD, at the Harvard School of Public Health found that the risk of heart attack may increase dramatically after the loss of a loved one. The […]
New Brain Science Teleseminar Series Makes History
I’m not sure where to even begin. To our knowledge, this has been the biggest practitioner teleseminar series to date, not only for NICABM but also for our profession. Practitioners poured in from all over the globe to join us on these ground-breaking calls, and we’ve been overwhelmed with your response. This audience size required […]