Many of us have incorporated various mindfulness practices into our daily lives and into our work with our patients and yet, as with so many other things that are good for you, there is no one-size-fits-all regimen that we can apply. So how are your colleagues currently adopting mindfulness meditation for their particular client population? […]
From Physiology to Structure…and More: What a Brain!
The brain’s plasticity is revolutionary but its evolutionary history is pretty remarkable, too. What’s amazing is that the brain has been evolving since our earliest predecessor, “Tool Maker” first appeared on the planet. But it’s only recently (during these last few minutes of our evolutionary past when neuroscience has been able to take us inside […]
A Pain-Resistant Patch? Sign Me Up
I know that most people are not lovers of physical pain. If someone invented a patch to keep the wearer from feeling pain, this inventor would become an instant billionaire. But it appears that there already is something better than a patch: Zen meditation. In an earlier study, Montreal University researchers from the lab of […]
Mindfulness and the Brain
The brain has been “on my brain” for the last few weeks as I’ve been planning the New Science of the Brain teleseminar series. I’ve started to wonder how mindfulness meditation can change the brain. Turns out, others have been wondering the same thing… Sara Lazar, PhD runs a Meditation Laboratory out of Harvard. Her […]
Is Mindfulness Becoming a Mainstream Health Strategy?
“Live in the moment”… how often we’ve heard it . . . even said it ourselves, but how often do we really do it? For most of us, “live in the moment” is a catchy, bumper-sticker line, but there’s a lot more to it…especially to those who are practitioners of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation has […]