Wisdom. It can be hard to define. But when you hear it, you know. And when teachers share spiritual wisdom, everyone around them benefits. Spiritual teaching helps the heart, mind, and body in so many ways. In fact, a team of researchers at Calvin College systematically reviewed 75 studies of spirituality and mental health in […]
Releasing Negativity – Why It’s Essential for Healing
We know that grief can affect our emotional health – but did you know that it may also have profound physical effects? A recent study led by Murray Mittleman, MD, at the Harvard School of Public Health found that the risk of heart attack may increase dramatically after the loss of a loved one. The […]
Can Trauma Be a Factor in IBS?
Trauma can cause a slew of symptoms including panic, distress, sleeping disorders, and in some cases, flashbacks. But, can trauma be a factor in Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)? Some might think that psychological trauma would only have psychological repercussions, but a recent study presented at the American College of Gastroenterology’s annual scientific meeting shows that […]