What are you afraid of? For some of us, answering this question can be difficult – and it’s not because we don’t have fears . . . . . . it’s because we don’t want to face them. And it makes sense – facing down what we fear can feel utterly terrifying. But Jack Kornfield, […]
How Mindfulness Meditation Could Improve Balance and Coordination
Maybe you’ve been here before: Late for a meeting, rushing up a flight of stairs, cup of coffee in one hand and a folder in the other . . . . . and your foot catches something. You sprawl on the stairs, and you’ve got to spend the rest of the day with coffee-soaked clothes […]
Mindfulness Technology Part 2: More Mindfulness Apps for Your Patients
This might strike you as a bit odd at first – to be honest, it did me too – but technology can be your ally when it comes to meditation. Maybe you remember that I shared a handful of mindfulness apps a short while back – applications that could aid in your patients’ (or your […]
Mindfulness Meditation for Multitaskers
Multitasking can seem like a necessary evil for many people. But can mindfulness meditation ease its stressful effects? A group of researchers at the University of Washington say yes. David Levy, PhD and his colleagues wanted to see how meditation training would affect the multitasking behavior of office workers, so they tested three groups of […]
Does mindfulness meditation make you more compassionate?
Can mindfulness meditation training make you more compassionate? We’d all like to hope so . . . . . . but we’re biased. Most people probably think of themselves as compassionate, so it’s easy for us to believe that meditation training is working. A group of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco wanted […]