Many of us have seen the harmful effect of stereotypes. In fact, some stereotypes are so pernicious, they can actually hinder performance. When people are worried about being stereotyped – like “girls are bad at math” – they become more anxious, affecting results in school, on the job, or in other situations. This is stereotype […]
Does mindfulness meditation make you more compassionate?
Can mindfulness meditation training make you more compassionate? We’d all like to hope so . . . . . . but we’re biased. Most people probably think of themselves as compassionate, so it’s easy for us to believe that meditation training is working. A group of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco wanted […]
Could Mindfulness Meditation Help People Quit Smoking?
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Despite years of treatment, research, and activism, we still don’t have a really effective program to help people quit smoking. The traditional behavioral treatments haven’t improved much over time. But what if mindfulness meditation could do what traditional programs don’t? Judson Brewer, […]
Mindfulness Meditation: An Unlikely Flu Treatment
A lot of us dread the onset of flu season . . . . . . because nothing really helps when you’ve got the flu. There’s no magic pill – just bed rest and plenty of fluids . . . But here’s a provocative thought: Could mindfulness meditation actually prevent influenza (and other acute respiratory […]
How Mindfulness Works to Help the Brain Manage Pain
Can meditation help you feel less pain? What if one week of short meditation classes could change the way your brain perceives pain? Fadel Zeidan, PhD, and his colleagues at Wake Forest University wanted to find out how mindfulness meditation affects pain reception. Specifically, they looked the areas of the brain responsible for constructing the […]