The other day, we shared a video of a practitioner who introduced mindfulness to female prisoners (if you missed it, you can check it out here). We received a lot of thoughtful comments, and found out that even among our readers, there are practitioners introducing mindfulness in prisons. Since so many people were interested, we […]
Mindful Kids: How Mindfulness Meditation Can Change the Classroom
We got a lot of heartfelt responses to our last blog post about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Judging from the words of comfort, it’s clear that the community of Newtown, CT is still in our thoughts and prayers. Reading through the comments, I noticed that a number of people mentioned a need […]
The Power of Mindfulness Meditation – Helping to Ease the Effects of Chronic Conditions
Chronic health problems, by definition, don’t go away quickly (or at all). And when we can’t help patients heal, the next best thing might be helping them cope. Enter mindfulness meditation. Jillian Simpson, RN, and Tim Mapel, senior lecturer at New Zealand’s Eastern Institute of Technology, wanted to find out whether mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) […]
The Power of Mindfulness Meditation – Changing How We Look at the Present
It can happen anytime, anywhere, to every one of us. And perhaps the most maddening thing about it is that there’s nothing we can do to speed its progress when we want it – or stop it from happening when we don’t. I’m talking about change . . . . . . and often the […]
Mindfulness Meditation – Celebrating an Incredible Journey
Live in the present moment. Pay attention. It’s such a simple principle . . . . . . and yet, over the last eight weeks, we’ve watched it flourish in unexpected ways. We’ve seen how mindfulness can pierce the “trance of unworthiness” to create self-acceptance. We shrank it down to a three-minute exercise . . […]