As we get older, we tend to place a higher and higher premium on getting healthy, staying energized, and feeling youthful . . . . . . and one effective way to do that is through regular exercise. So if that’s the impact a workout routine can have on your body as you age, what […]
Optimizing Your Brain: Two Ways to Power Up Your Brain for Better Performance
Could changing the way you eat help you think more clearly, learn more quickly, and make it easier for you to focus? While it’s probably not too surprising to hear that diet and brain health can often go hand in hand, what you might find curious is that some of the things you think about […]
Do Brain Training Games Really Work?
How do you “exercise” your brain? While it’s not like other parts of your body that you can move or stretch physically, it seems like different “workouts” for the brain are popping up virtually everywhere lately. So do they work? Well, that’s what Rui Nouchi, PhD and a team of researchers in Tokyo, Japan wanted […]
Making Movement Easier: Can Mindfulness Re-Open Pathways in the Brain?
Have you ever had to stop and think about making your fingers move or wiggling your toes? For people who have experienced a stroke or suffer from a motor neuron disease, simple tasks like these can be nearly impossible. But here’s some heartening news – brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) may help them regain some of what […]
How to Improve the Brain – Rewiring the Brain Through Storytelling
Most of us probably graduated many years ago from the fairy tales of our childhood into the popular novels or biographies of adulthood. But one thing remains the same, regardless of age . . . . . . we all appreciate a good story. And aside from the pure enjoyment it gives us, and the […]