We want our brains to remain fully functioning until we’re 100. Right? But will that happen? What makes the difference in whether our brains stay healthy or not? Daniel Amen, MD has conducted over 70,000 brain scans and thus has some hard-won insight into what the pre-cursors might be to a less-than-optimally-functioning brain. Based on […]
Turmeric for a Healthy Brain: Part II
Have you had your turmeric yet this week? In a recent post, I talked about the neuroplastic possibilities of curcumin (a brain-boosting chemical in turmeric) for slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Did that convince you to start eating it? If not, consider this my second attempt. Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease isn’t the […]
Increasing Your Brain Size with . . . Walnuts?
What foods could strengthen your memory, improve your problem-solving ability, and make you an even better multi-tasker? In short, can any foods help to improve your brain power? Are there foods that would increase the size of your brain? Studies suggest that omega-3s help brain function, specifically visual memory and executive function, including problem-solving, multi-tasking […]
Stress, Addiction, and Neuroplasticity –How the Brain Changes
We know that stress can take a toll on our bodies, but it also affects our brain. I’ve written about how it affects memory and the hippocampus. Research is now suggesting that stress also alters how we learn. This has ramifications for addiction and anything involved in the negative aspects of neuroplasticity. A recent review […]
How to change the brain: There are some things that we know, but… persuading people isn’t so easy
I’ve been talking a lot about exercise recently. We know that it’s good for the brain, and yet the studies showing this can be pretty dry. And when it comes to persuading patients to actually do what’s good for them, lectures aren’t too effective either. With that in mind, we wanted to try something new, […]