If you could predict how well your clients might be able to deal with stress, just based on a blood or saliva sample, would that change your treatment approach? There’s a specific gene that’s been getting a lot of attention lately because it affects how the brain processes serotonin – a chemical created inside the […]
Using Mindfulness to Change the Brain: A Different Way to Deal with Pain
It’s probably safe to say that most people have experienced pain at some point in their lives, be it acute or chronic. . . . . . and many of us have heard the phrase “mind over matter,” but when it comes to pain, does it actually work? It turns out that there is a […]
Brain Science Has No Borders: Changing Brains (and Transforming Lives) Around the World
Brain science is one of the most fertile areas that we, as practitioners, have right now to help our patients . . . . . . from improving relationships, to strengthening focus, and turning negative experiences into positive ones, the benefits of brain change are astounding. And better yet, the pool of knowledge about neuroplasticity […]
Why The Brain Series Means So Much To Me
Have you ever felt like you were meant to do something? I guess you could say it’s a calling, or maybe just an instinct. For me, it came in the summer of 2005 . . . . . . the three people I was closest to were all touched by some kind of negative neuroplasticity […]
A Four Step Strategy for Training Your Brain to Better Understand Your Emotions
It’s not uncommon to get a little swept up in the overwhelming feeling that often accompanies a busy schedule and an ever-growing to-do list. But often, when it comes to being productive, or even just maintaining a general sense of overall well-being, simply ignoring that feeling and pressing onward just isn’t the answer. That’s why […]