When a client is really hooked into resentment it might be a sign of a deeper, sometimes traumatic, wound. According to Janina Fisher, PhD, this often has to do with the way traumatic memories are stored. With that in mind, there’s a simple reframe Janina relies on to help her chip away at what we […]
Why Resentment Can Be an Important Step in Healing from Trauma, with Thema Bryant, PhD
Resentment can be a toxic emotion that hurts a client’s ability to connect with others and develop meaningful relationships. But are there times when it can be considered “healthy?” Well, in the video below, Thema Bryant, PhD shares how resentment can sometimes be an important step for clients healing from trauma. She also walks us […]
An Intervention to Help Put Aside Resentment, with Terry Real, MSW, LICSW
One major challenge of working with resentment . . . . . . is that the more we try to confront it directly with a client, the stronger it can become. So in the video below, Terry Real, MSW, LICSW walks us through an intervention that can help clients “shelve” their resentment until they’re resourced […]
Victims, Resentment and Toxic Relationships (New Video)
Regardless of education, experience, or intelligence, many struggle with relationships. Though the research is clear that healthy relationships can be immune enhancing, being (and staying) in a loving, intimate relationship is one of the most challenging things we do. All sorts of difficulties in relationships are related to resentment and identification as a victim. Far […]