How can we foster resilience in clients who have experienced trauma? A person’s response to trauma is often to lock away the parts that were wounded by their experience. But that can leave them feeling protective and fragile – and fearful about being triggered again. In the video below, Richard Schwartz, PhD shows how working […]
What Is Post-Traumatic Growth?
Trauma changes people. And for someone who just wants life to return to “the way it was,” this can be difficult to accept. But in some cases, people have not only been able to bounce back following trauma, they’ve also been able to experience growth. In the video below, researcher and author Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD […]
Could Stronger Resilience Promote Better Health?
Could greater resilience reduce a person’s need for health care services? James E. Stahl, MD, MPH, and a team of researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital Benson-Henry Institute (BHI), noted that poor psychological and physical resilience is often associated with an increased use of healthcare services. Since research consistently shows that mind-body interventions can be […]
5 Ways to Create an Anti-Depressant Brain
Depression can rob people of their sense of aliveness and vitality, interfere with job performance, disrupt relationships, and increase the likelihood of self-harm. So are there tools we can use to help clients reduce and even prevent suffering from depression? My friend, Elisha Goldstein, PhD has identified 5 natural ways to create an anti-depressant brain. […]
Strengthening Resilience in the Brain
What interventions could rewire the brain in mature adults, particularly those who grew up in less than ideal circumstances? Are there ways to help restore or strengthen resilience? One of my favorite neuroscientists is Dr. Bruce McEwen. He serves as Head of Neuroendocrinology Research at Rockefeller University in New York. To me, he’s a rock […]