The other day, we shared a video of a practitioner who introduced mindfulness to female prisoners (if you missed it, you can check it out here). We received a lot of thoughtful comments, and found out that even among our readers, there are practitioners introducing mindfulness in prisons. Since so many people were interested, we […]
An Unlikely Setting for Mindfulness Practice?
When you picture an ideal place to meditate, what comes to mind? Chances are, it’s not a prison cell . . . . . . and yet mindfulness is making inroads in several areas of the prison system. After discovering a widespread history of trauma and neglect among the female inmates he works with, one […]
Why Self-Compassion is Becoming a Psychotherapist’s Best Between Session Tool
Psychotherapy can be incredibly effective – we all know this. It is truly amazing how much can be accomplished between a patient and a therapist in each session. But the world outside the therapist’s door can often be cold, harsh, and lonely to vulnerable patients. Regression can occur while patients are still days or weeks […]