According to Kathy Steele, MN, CS, dissociative disorders often present in subtle ways that may be tricky to identify. So in the video below, she walks us through some key signs that can help us differentiate dissociative identity disorder and structural dissociation from more mild forms of dissociation. She’ll also share several critical steps for […]
[Infographic] – Four Key Ways Collapse/Submit Can Present in a Client
Like many of the emerging defense responses to trauma, the collapse/submit response can be difficult to recognize. So to give you a clearer idea of what this trauma response can look like, we created this free infographic that highlights four key ways it might present in a client. To put this infographic together, we gathered […]
[Infographic] – Three Warning Signs of Structural Dissociation
Working with structural dissociation can be critical in the treatment of severe or prolonged trauma . . . . . . but it’s often difficult to detect. According to Janina Fisher, PhD, structural dissociation is commonly underdiagnosed, or it’s misdiagnosed as a personality disorder. And when left undetected, it could lead to ineffective treatments that […]
[Infographic] Working with Structural Dissociation
One challenge of working with trauma is when a patient’s dissociated “parts” are operating independently . . . . . . or worse, they’re at odds with each other. This can be very distressing for the patient (and lead to a dysregulated nervous system). But the Structural Dissociation Model developed by Kathy Steele, MN, CS, […]