When it comes to the treatment of trauma, our work often centers on our clients’ feelings and sensations . . . . . . and sometimes, those sensations can present as physical pain. In the video below, Peter Levine, PhD shares a powerful story of how he helped a man trace the source of his […]
What Happens in the Brain During Trauma? [Infographic]
After trauma, our clients are often left with many painful sensations and emotions . . . . . . including shame and guilt. And that’s especially true if they weren’t able to protect themselves or escape. That’s why it can be so useful to help our clients understand how their brain and body did work […]
How to Integrate the Brain and Prevent Dissociation After Trauma
Trauma affects nearly every area of a person’s brain. Not only that, but trauma disrupts the connections in the brain. And when the brain isn’t integrated, it impacts the nervous system and the entire body. So how can we work with clients to repair integration after trauma? In the video clip below, Pat Ogden, PhD […]
The Impact of Trauma on Future Generations
Could trauma’s impact be passed along genetically from one generation to the next? For years, Rachel Yehuda, PhD has been studying the biological impact of trauma on Holocaust survivors and their children. We discussed some of her earlier findings here. At that time, researchers were in the early stages of investigating epigenetic change – the […]
What Is Post-Traumatic Growth?
Trauma changes people. And for someone who just wants life to return to “the way it was,” this can be difficult to accept. But in some cases, people have not only been able to bounce back following trauma, they’ve also been able to experience growth. In the video below, researcher and author Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD […]