“I’m not as good as I should be.” It’s a common refrain from many of our patients. Helping them trade self-judgment for self-compassion is an essential first step in creating real change. Watch below as Tara Brach, PhD talks more about this and what needs to be in place before we can become truly free […]
Can self-compassion improve through mindfulness?
You shouldn’t kick yourself when you’re down . . . . . . but sometimes it’s hard not to. Even if we’re compassionate toward others, we can still be our own worst critics. Mindfulness meditation really works. And self-compassion is one of its key benefits. Kristen Neff, PhD, from the University of Texas-Austin, and Christopher […]
Could Mindfulness Meditation Increase Creativity?
Ever struggle for hours to solve a problem – only to find that the solution was right in front of your face? I’m not just talking about math problems – but about our work, too. Sometimes, a little clarity helps clients make the leap from struggle to growth. This is where mindfulness can really help. […]
Mindfulness Technology for the 21st Century: Have You Tried These Apps?
When I think of mindfulness, what often comes to mind is my early morning sitting practice . . . both the struggles and the benefits. My Droid smartphone and my laptop aren’t anywhere in the picture. And yet, perhaps they should be. Technology has given us computer programs and apps for just about everything, so […]