I am so moved.
14-year-old Hannah Salwen has convinced her parents to sell their house and give half of the profit to charity.
I don’t want to spoil the story, but I’ll tell you that they embarked on a journey that transported them across the globe and tested their comfort zone.
See what you think. Here’s a very short, compelling video about it.
And then on Sunday Morning, this past weekend, there was a segment about this family and a follow-up conversation with two experts who talked about the idea of giving in general.
One said, “Give till it hurts” and the other said, “Give till you feel good.”
NICABM just gave 50% of the proceeds for our most recent teleseminar to the relief effort in Haiti* (Doctors without Borders and Partners in Health.) And just the other day, I signed the checks – thousands of dollars that will hopefully help rebuild lives.
Did it hurt? Yes, it did.
This is not the time of year that I’d choose to undertake any extra expense. We’ve just finished paying off the expenses for our annual conference. (The A/V bill alone was $23,000. And then there’s the catering bill . . . you see what I mean.)
But inconvenient as it was for us, it was nothing compared to the pain and loss that Haitians are living with each day.
Did it feel good? Absolutely! It was awesome. I was gratified that a small Institute like ours could make such a contribution.
And it made our staff, many of them young college students, so proud.
One last point.
We were able to give that contribution because of the medium of teleseminars. This relatively new format allows us to reach across the world to thousands of people.
At NICABM, we believe that there are many more practitioners out there with a “voice” that needs to be heard.
This is important – it’s through our collective voices, that we can change the world.
First of all, you don’t have to apologize for what you believe in.
I’m not at all surprised that you have guardian angels, or, spirit guides. I do too. We all do, but those who do not share in these beliefs will never come to know or ‘see’ theirs. It has nothing to do with religion of any kind. I do not share your beliefs in a christian god though, those beliefs belong to you, respectfully.. . I do believe in a higher intelligence of ‘some kind’ just not the biblical kind, speaking from my own experience. I receive my messages in very vivid dreams, or, right before I wake up I will see something written in my mind’s eye or hear something. I’m not psychic, but from time to time I receive messages about future events or circumstances that are happening in my life now that do come true. I have also heard from my relatives that have passed on. Removing all doubt about the spirit realm.. . Also, being very careful with regards to what you are listening to or being told. Be sure you hold on to your heart and mind and lovingly guard and protect them at all times. Always use discretion, no matter how much you trust your guides, making sure nothing else, of a negative nature, sneeks in.
Any action (like giving) that moves us out of ourselves into “unitive” consciousness also makes it more likely that our prayers and intentional imaging for folks – like those in Haiti – will be effective. Sending positive energy in this way can be called armchair traveling.
Kathy Bornino healingtraveler
Great Post Ruth….Glad to see that a young girl and her story can cause such a big change in the lives of so many other people….It is definitely a blessing to yourself and others to give so lets give while we can!!!