Now that we’ve wrapped up the Treating Trauma Master Series, I’d like to take a moment to thank you again for tuning in.
51,850 practitioners joined us for one or more sessions of the program.
We believe the work you do with people who’ve experienced trauma is so important. That’s why we made it our mission to make this program available to as many practitioners as possible throughout the world.
So how did we do?
Well, at final count, we had practitioners join us from 125 countries.
Here’s a quick glimpse of the global community you’re now a part of:
United States | 29,154 | Bulgaria | 10 |
Canada | 6,987 | Ecuador | 10 |
United Kingdom | 5,933 | Ukraine | 10 |
Australia | 3,710 | United Arab Emirates | 8 |
Ireland | 672 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 8 |
New Zealand | 568 | Brunei | 8 |
Germany | 466 | China | 8 |
Netherlands | 383 | Kenya | 8 |
Sweden | 267 | Morocco | 8 |
South Africa | 239 | El Salvador | 8 |
Romania | 203 | Bolivia | 7 |
Israel | 199 | Estonia | 7 |
Spain | 191 | Namibia | 7 |
Denmark | 156 | Nepal | 7 |
Italy | 151 | Uruguay | 7 |
France | 148 | Cyprus | 6 |
Mexico | 138 | Guatemala | 6 |
Norway | 135 | Cambodia | 6 |
Switzerland | 129 | Lebanon | 6 |
Belgium | 127 | Azerbaijan | 4 |
Singapore | 122 | Barbados | 4 |
Finland | 113 | ||
Hong Kong | 105 | Belize | 4 |
Brazil | 100 | Dominican Republic | 4 |
Portugal | 79 | Cayman Islands | 4 |
Greece | 77 | Lithuania | 4 |
Croatia | 77 | Luxembourg | 4 |
Slovenia | 75 | Moldova | 4 |
Austria | 72 | Montenegro | 4 |
India | 69 | Oman | 4 |
Hungary | 55 | U.S. Virgin Islands | 4 |
Japan | 47 | Gibraltar | 3 |
Malaysia | 46 | Haiti | 3 |
Iceland | 44 | Jordan | 3 |
Poland | 41 | Kuwait | 3 |
Russia | 41 | Saudi Arabia | 3 |
Chile | 37 | Syria | 3 |
Argentina | 36 | Albania | 1 |
Serbia | 35 | Armenia | 1 |
Czechia | 28 | Bermuda | |
Turkey | 28 | Bhutan | 1 |
Trinidad & Tobago | 28 | Central African Republic | 1 |
Peru | 24 | Grenada | 1 |
Costa Rica | 22 | Greenland | 1 |
Taiwan | 22 | Iraq | 1 |
Malta | 21 | Iran | 1 |
Indonesia | 19 | Laos | 1 |
Slovakia | 18 | Myanmar | 1 |
Thailand | 18 | Mauritius | 1 |
Philippines | 17 | Maldives | 1 |
Belarus | 15 | Nigeria | 1 |
Colombia | 15 | Paraguay | 1 |
South Korea | 15 | Qatar | 1 |
Latvia | 15 | Sint Maarten | 1 |
Pakistan | 15 | Tanzania | 1 |
Egypt | 14 | Venezuela | 1 |
Jamaica | 14 | Vietnam | 1 |
Panama | 11 | Vanuatu | 1 |
Puerto Rico | 11 | Zimbabwe | 1 |
Samoa | 1 |
We are truly thankful to all of the Gold Subscribers who supported our mission of bringing this important material to practitioners worldwide.
If you didn’t get a chance to tune in for the Treating Trauma Master Series but would like to see what all the buzz is about, it’s not too late – you can find out more right here.
Now I’d like to hear from you – how will you be using the ideas from the Treating Trauma Master Series in your work with clients? Please leave a comment in the space below (and feel free to share where you’re from, if you’d like).
Please could you create a referral list? I am living in Israel and would like to contact a therapist who utilizes your materials. It is difficult to make the decision to go to therapy and even more difficult to find a good therapist.
This is an amazing series. Eye-opening for me. I appreciate the order put into it.
The Talk Back sessions and the practicality I found with material covered is helpful. Being a Gold Seal member was beneficial. It allows me to review the material, again and again.
There was a lot to soak in. Being able to stop the presentations and rewind allows me to mull over what is covered.
From the first week, I was used the information presented in my work with clients. They are loving it. The concept of hypoarousal was well presented, providing greater clarity about this subject, especially when working with depressed and frustrated clients.
What I have learned is helping me in my own recovery and in the sponsor work I do with others. Thank you, thank you, and once again, thank you.
I am a TIR practioner and have just been asked to work with at risk children at a school K-4. These babies haven’t had secure home lives and mostly have trust issues. I can’t wait to dive in!!
Pam Lipari
Kansas City MO USA
I am soooo disappointed I missed the cut off date for the reduced cost of the Gold subscription….. this series was a fantastic initiative…working with some level of trauma is at the heart of the highest percentage of the therapeutic work I am involved in
Please add one person based in the tiny Pacific island of Samoa!
It’s wonderful to see the International participation. I have benefited and hope you will do another series.
Invaluable info. Wish it were free for trauma sufferers. We suffer enough just to get through life. It would really help us directly and save us years of the wrong kind of treatment and meds!
I am a yoga therapist and create workshops with yoga tools for mental health. I also conduct teacher training’s, the information you have shared will provide substantial understanding on the effect of trauma on the brain. Thank you for creating this series.
Evelyn O’Connell
Thank you for all this great and amazing information, ideas, techniques and strategies being shared with us. It is so relevant to the work I do as trauma can come in different ways. Now I am looking forward to integrated them with my profesional work.
First of all, thank you so much for your generosity for allowing me to do the course for free and my special thanks to all the Gold Subscribers for funding that. I am grateful to have some very good information which has already enabled me to help my clients even further with extra skills and techniques. This has been a very worthwhile investment timewise and I look forward to being able to join future courses.
Thank you. What I heard was great, and was relevant to the population I work with.
But for me, the timing was difficult as I live in Australia and there was only 1 time of day that I could access things due to my work hours – or otherwise it was 4 am in the morning. I didn’t get to listen to enough to see if I should have paid for the series.
I look forward to seeing/listening to other presentations in the future. Some of your speakers are also due to visit Australia next year, which is good.
Lynette, I had the same problem with the time zone as I live in Australia also and have only just watched the 1st one tonight.
Same issue. It would be awesome to have the replay over 24h next time.
I am a Social Work Master’s student and work in a women’s domestic violence and homelessness service.
The women and children we work with have experienced both very recent trauma and often intergenerational disadvantage and violence. Often they come with deep shame and/or anger about the circumstances of their lives. I want to use the material from the Treating Trauma series to deepen my therapeutic responses to my clients to help then unlock that anger and shame from their psyche and bodies, so they can feel whole and empowered. It’s information I will share with my colleagues.
I work as a sexuality coach. Recognising the depth of trauma that a client is experiencing and finding relevant people to refer them to is an important part of what I do.
This course has helped me enormously to know signs Iam looking for and given me tools to navigate if there is a trauma response triggered.
I’ve bought the trauma series, and am hoping to useit as a teaching tool at a mental health residential rehabfacility that I’m based at.
I’ve worked for years in Mental Health, and get so disappointed when I hear my colleagues talking about distressed cients being ‘behavioural’ ‘just acting out’ ‘it’s just drugs and/or alcohol’ This course give me more evidence to say that this client group aren’t making ‘choices’ of their own free will, that their ability to connect cognitively is impaired, and having a system that relies on boundaries and consequences isn’t necessarily the answer.
I’m finding the strategies useful in working with couples where one or both have suffered childhood trauma of a violent or conflict ridden home. In adulthood when facing conflict in relationship they freeze and cannot confront rationally. This is often perceived by the other as a refusal to resolve differences. When the couple can understand this, recognise it and support each other through it they can learn new ways of resolvingdifferences and strengthening their relationship.
This was true in my former marriage, in spite of counseling which simply didn’t move fast enough to give us tools to work with. I gave it 15 years and then lost hope of any solutions. I had observed this frozen state but didn’t know how to interpret his reaction and my own insecurities took over. That was almost 20 years ago and still feel sad about it. I am glad for all the comments from counselors that have been validated by this information.
I’m from Montana and am finding this series extremely helpful and inspirational. I have found, in particular, the thoughts about the connection between disorganized attachment as being a possible precursor to PTSD insightful and very helpful in making sense of those most vulnerable population. The synopsis of each of the Masters is incredibly helpful! The notes/transcripts are a welcomed review. Thank you all for putting this series together and sharing it world-wide … particularly at a time when there is so much trauma in our world.
I wanted to watch a lot more of it and hopefully I can gain access to it soon since I am working now after a long stint with housebound illness. What an amazing resource. Just the knowledge of what can be done to help with hypo-arousal and hyper-arousal is key info even for the layperson. Maybe I should say especially for lay learners of how their psyche operates best, so that we can be our own best assistant in therapy, advocating for our needs and knowledgeable about how and why certain things take place in therapy. I went through years of recovering from trauma due to disruptions in family dynamics and the preceding circumstances leading up to those changes in all our lives. I would still love to know more about how to help our child who is now asking for help. So I have my eye on these resources as a basis for where and what to ask for.
I have been practicing music therapy for many years and now am training to work at deeper levels. The books I have, while classics, are out of date in certain areas. Listening to this program both has been validating the approach I am studying of Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, which I think can fit well with what I heard, updates me as to why it can work, and helps me with other clients outside GIM. As a adult survivor myself, it also helps me understand why I found some things more helpful than others on my journey to wellness. And thanks for blowing the myth of pounding pillows, still used by some therapists.
This magnificent work represents the evolution of the human mind. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to listen to these inspiring speakers.
I’m a life coach and use this information in supporting clients to grow and be their best selves. But mostly, I use it in my workshops, speeches and advocacy for trauma-informed care in all fields and a better understanding of dissociative disorders as survival mechanisms. I am a survivor whose system used dissociation, beginning at a very young age, so successfully that the outside Apparently Normal Person could grow up as a ‘good and kind person’ and a professional in children’s services until, in my 50s, it was time to know. For me, and many others, Dissociative Disorders are really our superpower. Your classes and workshops help me to understand and better explain to audiences and individuals, how trauma works, how dissociation helps us cope, and how we can all heal.
Many thanks to NICABM for making so much excellent info accessible (and free!) to non-clinicians world-wide. You are saving lives.
I am completing a Yoga Teacher Training where the yoga community (as a whole) seems to be waking up to the necessity of practicing in a “Trauma informed” way. I did just witness part of the series for free but it prompted me to sign up for further training through my yoga studio. Many thanks!
I did the Next Level Practitioner Series during the last year of my private practice as a way to both learn something and also to measure where I stood at the end of my psychotherapy career. It was excellent information, presented in a very useful format. Since then I have stumbled into something of a career in neuroscience and have found this trauma series to be a very good learning opportunity. Am especially grateful for the input of Daniel Siegel who has really pushed the discipline out of the individual head and into the neurological impact of relationships.
I just want to thank you for all the work you do
I have been working with the homeless population in Detroit. Understanding Trauma on the level that it is presented in these series has been extremely helpful to me. I am grateful for the wonderful information that I have been getting from the NICABM.
I like to keep in mind that the theory and research is still tentative and far from clear. I do very much enjoy hearing and seeing how the originators (for the most part) actually do the work, and how I might incorporate these “doings” into my practice.
Congratulations on the 125 country, and over 51,000 participant record. At approximately $400.00 per person, is over twenty million dollars gross profit. Does anyone else find the scale of this staggering?
It was free
It is staggering to think of the wasted lives that have suffered for lack of this information, and even faced the blame of contemplating suicide. Check the mental health budget of your local hospital. My ‘partial day program’ was billed to my insurance at $1,500.00 per day! This program is the best bargain in town! That so many needing help received help at a bargain price is nothing to scorn! We are all works in progress. Because of this program here, I can see why endured an episode of hypo-arousal in my therapists office, how the subject we were discussing went deeply into my own childhood, though the subject was not about me.
i do not need to wait and see if this will be effective with others to know it was worth every penny to me.
I find it very acceptable
Very grateful that 51,000 participants were given FREE access to this information that will most likely effect positive changes in many multiples of trauma survivors. Does anyone find that scale staggering?
I do indeed congratulate them. They deserve every bit. The money? … thats a choice I wanted to do as I have benefitted greatly from their hard work and was worth every penny
As a non-practitioner who viewed the series I’m curious to know how you determined that 51k were practitioners.
It was a great Masterclass and worth buying Gold and Shame series. What fantastic work you and your team have done. Thank you.
Ron Kurtz was my teacher. I have been a practicing Hakomi Therapist for almost 20 years and have been a fan of Pat Ogden all this time. The last time I saw Ron was at a training in Boulder where we used Pat’s space. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to learn from so many who influenced Ron whom several of us call The Jewish Buddha. I recently moved to Portland, Oregon.
To heal my own trauma! Thank you so so much for the up to date and heartwarming approach.
This is amazing, Ruth! Congratulations! I will be using this program every day in numerous ways, for example:
…following up on some of the research you presented
…using the many ideas to help others
…adding to my personal self-improvement program.
Thanks again for sharing the love!
That’s awesome!!! I am integrating my new understanding of Trauma in the way i give room to patients ( grown ups and kids ). Self-regulation for kids is getting another importance than it already had. I also share my knowledge with my colleagues to gain a deeper understanding and look at it from many angles, since every patient has their own difficulties. I also have personal interest to gain more awarenes about this topic. Trauma is such a big word but only rare amount of people understand what it really is. Thanks again for providing this opportunity to learn more about it. So many great ways to go with it and support human beings with their way back to joy
Wow this is so good to see, the knowledge about Trauma treatment is getting shared worldwide, and I am happy to see, that in my small country there have been 129 participants. The whole series was so interesting to listen too and I certainly will listen to it again. Have learned so much. Thank you for putting this important information out.
Another excellent course from the NICABM team.
I am using it to inform my work with parents whose child does not enjoy school, experiences school-related anxiety or refuses to go at all. Sometimes this is in part due to trauma, and the high daily stress levels over an extended time can also create CPTSD. Being trauma-informed is therefore very useful in this context.
This is a global problem, but I’m happy to report that schools are increasingly becoming trauma-aware and ACE-aware.
Absolutely inspiring and enlightening series. I am mindfully increasing my knowledge of trauma on my commute to work as I’ve downloaded the audio tracks. (On apple devices download the Readdle app to download the audio]. I haven’t finished it but look so forward to the rest. As I listen I have “aha” moments of the youth I work with. Your work is so vital and very accessible. Now the thing left to do is advocate to make developmental trauma, attachment and adverse life experiences a global public health issue, starting at home. I can’t thank you enough for this body of work. To have such renown gurus deliver it has been so exciting. There is no way that practitioners worldwide could have been so privileged with this information without this format. Keep doing what you’re doing!
I facilitate embodied awakening events and one on one sessions, meaning an immediate and direct experience of our divinity and non-separateness, through 2 different modalities- Bellydance for women and Dharma Dance for all genders which features a number of different shamanic movement practices.
Of course when we start moving our bodies, both the ecstatic and the habits that block the ecstatic pop up right in our faces.
I’m so excited to see what new practices and dances will come from studying this superb program. In my work, healing is wild and it is also fun. And with this program my work will be even more effective to support people.
Thank you for making the wisdom of so many great teachers available with this program.
Congratulations on your wonderful outreach! Good to see so many people gaining new skills to treat trauma!
I see that there were 239 responders from South Africa. I wonder if you could send me their contact details? I want to tell them about the DVD I’m bringing out in February 2019. The DVD is about the recovery-process I followed after the accident I had in 1986 that left me in a full coma for 5 months.
When I was at University, I couldn’t find any source of media that had extensive information about Traumatic Brain Injuries.
I have a BA (Honours) in psychology with the University of South Africa, and would like to use this in Internship with them in possibly Trauma Counselling.
Hi Derick,
Thank you for your comment. I am from Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Sorry to hear about your bad experience and the trauma of your brain injury. I also was involved in an accident and sustained severe cerebral contusion, resulting in me becoming child-like (I was 29 years at the time), and loosing my memory, both of which resolved itself over a period of about a year. I would be interested to hear about your DVD when it comes out next year.
Selma Watson
no surprise to your success.Your series are top .Well organized , thoughtful and at the edge of the latest knowedge in the field.
Thanks a lot to you
I am in insecure work so cannot afford the course now but will be saving for it