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  1. Anisha says

    That’s a sensible answer to a chllneaging question

  2. Dave Shirley, Clinical Social Worker says

    Please send me Dr. Amen’s link to Magnificent Mind at any age and unchain your brain: 10 steps to breaking the addictions that steal your life. I have attempted to find the links on the comment board without success. I am a gold scriber to this series. Thank you.

  3. wendy, chef says

    so grateful to see this. i had a major concussion at age 7 and many behavior/mood problems all my life. 13 years ago i had a major “mild” tbi – meaning it was closed head, and nothing showed up on MRI. i was bedridden 80% of the time for almost a year, and barely functional for many more, but docs still insisted that that it was psychiatric, even though i would fall down in stores from the fluorescent lights, or from looking up, and was nauseous every single day from visual stimuli. i had pages of symptoms. i finally started to really get my life back around 2 years and am mostly normal but still have huge issues with lights and flickering. i can’t help but get angry when i think of how different my life could have been had it happened after the Iraq war, on info on the football players was in the mainstream.

  4. Dawn DuBois says

    If you think your mental health is affected from a past life injury to the brain, what way can you really find out if one has had a brain injury? Also I have a grandson who started having issues at 3, is now 7 and still has issues related to behavior, sensory, anxiety. Could this have been from a brain injury? How would we find out if it is? Thank you.

  5. vijayakumard, psychiatrist says


  6. Susan Jahn, RN/CM & Educator says

    This information is not only helpful for ourselves but also the various people we come in contact with throughout the state. I am sure it will provide greater understanding Thank you for this free presentation.

  7. Teresa A Nelson, Certified Peer Support Specialist says

    Hello. I work for Easter Seals in Southfield, Michigan and am forwarding this information on to my supervisor for her to check with the director about purchasing your fabulous series. The question my consumers ask, “Is there hope for the brain to heal,” and I can see that this information can give hope and encouragement to those who have experienced brain damage from physical accidents but also from intense emotional trauma. Please reach out to the Certified Peer Support Specialists in this nation and throughout the world to obtain this information. We work as pioneers of hope in the mental health system and your work can arm us with the facts and possibilities that can give hope to our consumers. Keep up the good work.

    • Betti says

      This shows real exepetisr. Thanks for the answer.

  8. Karen Greenham, Kinesiology Student says

    I am so looking forward to this information. Thank you.

  9. Rimi I Soma, Clinicalpsychologist says

    I’d like to know soon!

  10. Rimi I Soma, Clinicalpsychologist says

    I’m very interested in brain science and mental health. So,it’s great!!

  11. Kevin Ferris, MSW, LCSW, Psychotherapy/Social Work says

    I’m delighted to see this on your site! I’ve studied Dan Amen’s work for years– finding it changed my life in that it enabled my daughter to finally be correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
    However, as interesting and profound as his results are, I believe this video is somewhat out of context in the sense that one really needs to understand to what “brain scan” he is referring, why it’s done, and what it measures. It is a SPECT scan, which is not even mentioned in your promotion of this video. I assume and hope the full video describes the scan in detail, and how it differs from other types of neuro-imaging (perhaps this was just a “grabber”)?
    Thank you for making this available.

  12. mary herrmann, Marriage & Family Therapist says

    I would like to know more about the effects of family dysfunction and the resulting foster child’s brain and consequently, behavior

  13. Tricia Kirkwood, Life Coach says

    The correlation is obvious when thought about!
    AWESOME Subject!
    I am really looking forward to listening to the whole interview!

  14. Matti Heinäkari, Teacher says

    I will get a Bemer equipment which should improve mikro blood circulation and brain fuction. Do You agree?
    Sincerely Yours
    Matti Heinäkari

  15. Barbara Pomar, Hypnotherapist says

    My first head injury was falling out of a grocery cart when I was 2. My major head injury was falling out of an airplane. I know I am not the same as I was before that fall. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the story.

  16. Ángeles, teacher says

    I have epilesy and I have at least 6 to 8 seizure per month . Many of these are just auras and nothing much of concern happens to my brain, but the other half of these seizures is what worries me the most because I faint and each time I faint and can have a brain injurie and therefore loose more neurons and this affects to all of my brain and specially to my temporal lobe . So my question is: Is there something I can do to regain more neruons that may substitue the deads ones or not? if there is something I can do, please let me know.

  17. Lorelle Chorkey says

    I have an interview with Johnny B. Truant on U tube about surviving a 357 bullet (shot from a 45 magnum) through the head I went back to my accounting job for 5 more years..I could be an interesting part of a study

  18. Sarah, Writer says

    I’ve actually had the precise experience Dr. Amen describes in the clip of recalling no head injury until suddenly remembering, as if for the first time. My thought at the time was that this reflected not only the brain injury itself, but my minimization of it because I (and those around me, including MDs and the culture at large) did not understand the potential consequences of even relatively small head traumas on brain function. I slipped and fell backward, hitting my head hard on a wood floor and will probably never know how much of what’s changed in how my brain works (or doesn’t) over the past 5 years stems from this. I had a minor car accident 2 years ago that I completely minimized until I realized it had exacerbated the forgotten head injury. I cannot even imagine the devastating effects of the tremendous injuries football players and soldiers experience. I hope you and Dr Amen discuss how these heal! I’m looking forward to watching the entire interview.

  19. Sally Leong, Professor Emeritus, UW Madison says

    I am concerned about the damage to the brain that has occurred in soldiers in recent conflicts from IEDs and psychological trauma experienced and how this impacts the brain. Also how treatments such as equine-assisted therapy can affect the brain and help people heal.

  20. Ann L E Bach, Marketing/professional services says


  21. Geoff, Teacher says

    Fluoroquinolone antibiotics can also harm the brain. I was an athlete misprescribed Ciprofloxacin for a sports injury. This drug induced autonomic and peripheral nervous system damage. I had no history of health problems prior, yet almost eighteen months on I still cannot exercise normally as the increased blood flow to my brain causes huge pressure and pain in my head. I was crippled by this drug for six months and found a community of thousands online with similar experiences. FQS drugs are neuro, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal skeletal toxic.